Letter from Retired Area Secretary Shipmate Mick Arnold MBE
14th March 2019
Dear All
I would like to thank the President, Chairman, Committee and all the Shipmates of No 4 Area
Royal Naval Association for bestowing on me the honour of Area Life Vice President of No 4
Area R.N.A. It is something that I will treasure for a long time. I do look back on my time as
Area Secretary as a most enjoyable occasion, although at times it was fraught with occasions
when it seemed at the time unsolvable but with the help and support of shipmates we came to
a satisfactory conclusion.
What followed that momentous occasion was the presentations to me and Jean, of the Lone
Sailor to me and a lovely plant to Jean. This occasion was to me and Jean a most moving time
as our involvement with The National Arboretum goes back a very long time. The land on
which it stands belonged to Jeans family for over 3 hundred years, until compulsory
purchased for Fradley RAF Station during the war. We both visited the Site in the early days
when the only signs were a cardboard notice in the hedge and the only memorial was the
Large White (then) polar Bear We both attended the Official Opening by The Queen of the
Site. The Unveiling of the R.N.A. Memorial we had wonderful seats for that until a squad of
Royals stood in front of us. The statues designer we had spoken to at the Liverpool
Conference over dinner.
I was deeply moved to be given the Statue as my lack of words at the time, it has taken pride
of place in our house. My sincerest thanks to all of Area 4. Shipmates.
From Jean.
Dear All
I would like to thank you all for the presentation to me of-a large potted Azalea. We have
placed it at the front of the house and when its in flower it will be seen by all in our Close.
The presentation was a great surprise to me I did not expect anything. that I had done to
noted, that’s we wives do !! and it’s so special when we are given a gift like that Plant.
Again my thanks and best wishes to you all.
Yours Aye
ALVP Mick Arnold MBE
Jean Arnold
You may download the letter here